Tuesday, March 13, 2012

An Investment Strategy Balancing Growth And Income (Part 1)


By Efficient Alpha:

By Joseph Hogue, CFA

The daily onslaught of articles on individual stocks and equity market developments often masks the fact that most investors are better served with a good long-term strategy. The stock market, as well as investments in other asset classes, will fluctuate from day-to-day but of more importance is the long-term trend and return to the investor's nest egg. A long-term strategy should include diversification in asset types and economic drivers while providing for growth and income suitable to the investor's time horizon and risk tolerance.

While individual investors need to assess their own needs in terms of risk and return requirements, there is some overlap in portfolio construction. The investments and percentage allocations below will not be suitable for all investors but can be used as a start to constructing your own portfolio.

The portfolio described below should be a portion of your total investable assets, not

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